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BioBlitz's aim to record as many different plant and animal species located within St Abb's Head NNR and the Berwickshire Marine Reserve as possible, to create a snapshot of data in one day. We hope to build up a baseline of data on the biodiversity of life within the Reserves, allowing us to compare this to future surveys and monitor any changes.


The last time a BioBlitz was carried out here was in 2018, when 298 individual species were recorded. Since then we have completed 3 further BioBlitz's - Summer 2023, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024.


In Summer 2023 we recorded an amazing 462 species, followed two weeks later by a further 17 marine species discovered during the two BioBlitz dives. 


In Spring 2024 we recorded 211 species. We were unlikely to reach our August 2023 total of 479 species but that is to be expected for Spring.


This Summer we found an incredible 589 species! These BioBlitz's are providing us with a set of data about the biodiversity of the area and will provide a solid baseline from which to compare future findings, allowing us to monitor any trends or changes that occur.


For the full 2023 report click here.

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Berwickshire Marine Reserve

The Hippodrome, Harbour Road, Eyemouth, TD14 5HT                                                                                       

Scottish Registered Charity: SC050016

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